Brush 1
In 1891 the editor of Autumn Leaves wrote: "In reading the present installment of Father Brush's life, we have thought that it must be a pleasant thing to the Saints—who have so long been constrained to listen in silence to all manner of misrepresentations in regard to the early days of the Church in Missouri—to have the tables turned and hear the utterances of one prepared to
speak from his own personal observation of the things which transpired.
"We are told of some among the aged Saints who read it with most intense interest between such exclamations as, 'That's so!' 'I remember that well!' and 'I shall never forget that!' And then they pause to wipe the tears from their faded eyes and recount afresh that which they endured during those days of trouble which tried men's souls."
John Brush was present in Independence in 1833, in Far West in 1838, and in Nauvoo in 1845. In each place, he experienced the threats of mobs which drove the Saints from their homes and sought to destroy their faith to follow the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Strengthen your faith and your desire to endure when you read this testimony of the Saints that is told by an eyewitness of early Church history.